Key figures


The key figure indicates the percentage of waste based on the plates used.

Kennzahlen - Abfall

Kennzahlen - Abfall

Waste (1) is displayed in dark gray in the cutting plans.

Especially when using high-quality materials, you can save costs by using a solution with the lowest possible amount of waste.

By using plus parts the waste can be reduced.

Waste + Offcuts

Offcuts (1) are displayed in light gray in sectional drawings. These can be used in subsequent orders.

Kennzahlen - Reste

Kennzahlen - Reste

Small offcuts are managed in a manual offcuts warehouse. Large offcuts are automatically returned to the area storage if necessary.

The minimum size for small and large offcuts can be adjusted in the machine parameters (cutting, nesting).

Offcuts always involve a high effort (return transport to the warehouse, consideration for future orders). They also take up a lot of space, especially in area storage systems, due to the limited stackability. Often, offcuts are not used later on and have to be disposed of. In these cases they are to be equated with waste.

Especially when using materials that do not occur frequently, it makes sense to select an alternative with a low percentage of offcuts.

By using plus parts, the amount of residue can be reduced.