First Steps

intelliOptimizer Stacking optimizes the sequence of your cutting patterns in one run for an optimal stacking result and a reduced number of stack changes on SAWTEQ B-300/B-400 flexTec machines. It also gives you the option of optimally distributing the cutting patterns between operator and robot operation to achieve the best result depending on the current production situation.

To be able to calculate a stack optimization, a machine must be assigned to the application in tapio.

To do this, please follow the steps in the instructions for acquiring and assigning a license. The description for assigning a machine to an application is given towards the end of the video.

After assigning the machine in tapio, you can access the application at the following link:

You will now see the following page:

By clicking on "Logon", you will be redirected to tapio's login page. After entering your user data for the login, you can add the first stack optimization.