HOMAG Connect MMR Mobile
The HOMAG Connect MMR Mobile interface gives you direct access to your machine data from MMR Mobile. You can then easily visualize this data in an analysis tool of your choice, e.g. Excel or Power BI. This enables you to display and analyze the performance of your machinery in a way that is tailored to your needs. You determine which data is displayed, in which diagram it should be visualized and which time interval should be considered.
All details can be found in our documentation for HOMAG Connect on GitHub in the chapter Documentation for MMR Mobile. With this comprehensive documentation including examples, you or your system provider can connect to your system, provided you have the appropriate programming knowledge.
The Connect API is available to you as a chargeable add-on. You can add the interface to an existing MMR Mobile subscription or book it in the tapio shop as an additional chargeable add-on.
Access to machine statuses
The endpoint provides the machine statuses of all machines within a specific time period that are equipped with the ‘HOMAG Connect MMR Mobile’ licence. This endpoint can therefore be used to derive the key figures and usage views from the MMR Mobile app. In addition to the machine status available in the MMR Mobile app, a detailed description of the status (e.g. reason for downtime) is provided here.
Below you will find a description of all parameters returned by the endpoint:
Parameter | Example Value | Description |
Machine Number | 0-123-45-6789 | Machine number |
Instance Id | M1-C1 | Machine instance* |
Machine Type | Edge | Machine type (e.g. Saw, Edge, CNC, Drilling, Assembly, ...) |
Machine Name | Maschinenname 1 | 0-123-45-6789 | Machine name |
Detailed State Id | S_OIT_LACKOFMATERIAL | ID of the detailed status type |
Detailed State | Material shortage | Detailed status type |
State Id | s_idletime | ID of the status type |
State | Wartezustand | State type |
Timestamp | 2023-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 | Observation period and granularity (here: one day) |
Duration [h] | 0.0675 | State duration in hours |
Access to machine counters
The endpoint provides the counters (parts, cycles) of all machines within a specific time period that are equipped with the ‘MMR Mobile Connect’ licence. This endpoint can therefore be used to derive the output view from the MMR Mobile app.
Below you will find a description of all the parameters returned by the endpoint:
Parameter | Example value | Description |
Machine Number | 0-123-45-6789 | Machine number |
Instance Id | M1-H1 | Machine instance* |
Machine Type | CNC | Machine type (e.g. Saw, Edge, CNC, Drilling, Assembly, ...) |
Machine Name | Maschinenname 1 | 0-123-45-6789 | Machine name |
Counter Id | C_OUT_PiecesAll | ID of the counter type |
Counter | Parts | Counter type: for example, parts or cycles |
Timestamp | 2022-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 | Period with corresponding granularity (here: one day) |
Value | 11.0 | Counter value |
*A machine can consist of several instances. The first instance is always the machine itself. The other instances are machines that send their data to tapio via this first instance because they do not have a direct connection to tapio themselves. As all instances would therefore have the same machine number, a distinction is also made between machine instances.