Materials management types
It is possible to distinguish between different material management types. For boards and edgebands for example you can use single board / single coil, stack or goods in stock. The differences are explained below based on the material boards.
In dialog Add board(s) you can choose the material management type besides the number of boards.
Single material
Select the option single board (1 label per board), if the entered number of boards should be included as single boards in the materialAssist. After confirmation of the dialog Add board(s) every board will be added as a separate board into the store view of the materialAssist. By selecting the Label & confirm button, a label will be printed for each board.
The option Stack is suitable for boards that are stored in groups (for example as stack) and which therefore only require one label. After choosing the material management type Stack (1 stack label) and confirming the dialog Add board(s) one common entry will be made in the Store view of the materialAssist.
Goods in stock (1 label on storage location)
If the boards which you want to store already have a specific storage location, the option Goods in stock (1 label on storage location) is the best choice. Here the app offers the possibility to print a label for the storage location. Just as for the option Stack (1 stack label), all boards to be stored as goods in stock will be displayed as one common entry in materialAssist after confirmation.
Note: If boards of the chosen material are already stored, the corrosponding storage locations will be displayed at the top of the list.
Boards which were stored as stacks or goods in stock can be removed as single boards, as subset or as a complete package. You can print labels according to the material management type for removed boards.