Import material types

Type information from other software systems can be imported into the materialManager. This enables, for example, a simple master data transfer from an ERP system, an industry solution or an ordering or warehousing system.

The procedure is similar to a data import in intelliDivide.

  • Selection of a file (CSV, Excel, BDX, etc.) containing the master data at material type level.
  • Optional selection of related files (e.g. decor images, technical data sheets).
  • Customization of the automatically created import template.
  • Performing the import.
  • Post-processing of the data.

In the section Importing data this procedure is described in general.

The following series of images shows this using sample data for boards. The process for sample data for edgebands is the same. 

When re-importing, changes to the master data can be transferred from an ERP system, an industry solution or an ordering or warehousing system.

The behavior is controlled by two options.

When you select the Update existing board types option, the system first uses the board code/edge code to check whether the material already exists in the dataset. If this is the case, the data for this material is taken from the import file. Data that is not contained in the file will not be changed. This option is selected by default.

If you select the Delete board types from materialManager that are not part of the import file option, materials that are not or no longer contained in the import file are deleted from the dataset. To avoid unintentional data loss, only materials for which neither a inventory nor a allocation exists are taken into account.

If neither of the two options is selected, the data is added to the dataset. Any duplicates that are created must then be deleted or adjusted manually.