Book additional parts packages and options

To adapt the scope of your productionManager license to your needs, you can book additional parts packages and options. You will find a detailed list of all available extensions for productionManager in the licencing section.

Additional parts packages and options can either be purchased when buying a productionManager license or added to an existing subscription.

In order to do so, please open your tapio account at From here, you can directly access the online shop via "Your account | Shop".

Open the online shop via My tapio

Open the online shop via My tapio

In connection with the purchase of an app

When purchasing productionManager Classic or Advanced, additional parts packages and options can be added in the shopping cart. These extensions can easily be added to your order using the "+" symbol.

Options in connection with purchasing an app

Options in connection with purchasing an app

Adding to an existing subscription

Additional parts packages and options can also be added to an existing productionManager license with just a few clicks.

To do so, first open your account (1) and then your subscriptions (2). Here, you will select the active productionManager license and click on "Change" (3).

Manage your subscriptions

Manage your subscriptions

All possible packages and options for the product are listed under "plan and options". Here, you can also add the options in the desired quantity to your subscription using the "+" symbol.

Selection of the desired options

Selection of the desired options