Remove a material
In the Remove view, all materials are displayed with the key data. If necessary, the list can be customized via the column settings.
You can select materials from the list, remove it directly from the storage or search for specific material.
Select material from the list
All materials available for removal are displayed in the list.
Note: Filtering and sorting functions allow to find the right material quickly.
Start the removal process by clicking the Remove button.
In the dialog, all important information about the selected material and the material which will be removed is displayed once again – as well as the storage location. For material with material management types you have additionally the possibility to remove single material items, a subset or the complete set.
If you activate the option Delete from inventory, the chosen material will be deleted and not shown anymore in the store view. The deletion process cannot be undone. You can use this option if the material has been consumed.
Note: This option is activated for board materials by default. Uncheck the box if you want to have the material available again in the store view to restore it.
If a LED strip is assigned to the storage, the compartment in which the material is located lights up in light blue.
Selection of an edgeband for removal
Selection of a board for removal
Removal dialog with the most important information of the edgeband
Removal dialog with the most important information of a single board
Removal dialogue with the most important information of the stacks and stock goods
You can confirm the removal of the material in different ways.
- Click on confirmation (1)
- Click on confirm with scan-symbol (2) and scan the materials or the storage location label with the tablet
- Click on label & confirm to print new labels for the material to be removed (for materials with material management types)
- Scan the materials or the storage location with a connected bluetooth scanner
By scaning the removed material you can ensure that you picked the correct material. In case of an error, a corresponding message will be displayed.
After the confirmation, the app closes the dialog automatically.
Confirmation of material removal
Confirmation of single board removal
Confirmation of removal of stack or goods in store
Direct removal of the material from the storage
In case of a manageable stock or distinctive materials, a removal directly from the storage without prior selection in the app is often the faster way.
Confirmation of edgeband removal through scan with tablet
Confirmation of removal of a board / an offcut through a tablet scan
When you have removed material you can recorded this in the app by a scan with the tablet or a connected bluetooth scanner after clicking the remove (1) button . This ensures the accuracy of the storage.
Note: It is also possible to directly confirm a material removal by scanning it with the tablet or a bluetooth scanner. If the removed material provides different material management types, the following dialog opens with several options.
Confirmation of single board removal
Alternative dialog for removed materials for stack and goods in store
For material, which does not provide different material mangement types unterscheidet, the following dialog opens:
- Click on close (1) confirms the removal and the overview list will be displayed
- Click auf cancel removal (2) undoes the removal
- By clicking scan next edgeband (3) or scanning another material with a connected bluetooth scanner or the tablet you can confirm the previous removal and remove the next edgeband
For materials providing different material management types the same dialog opens as we have seen at "Selecting a material from a list"
The scan of the removed material ensures that the correct material has been removed. In case of an error, a corresponding message will be displayed.
The dialog will be automatically closed after confirmation. The dialog closes automaticallly after 60 seconds and the material has been removed.
Search a material type in the list
In case of a larger material stock or the search for a specific material type, the filter functions in the list can be used.
A connected bluethooth scanner can support the search.
If, e.g., a QR code containing the material code is available on the order papers or a label, you scan it with your tablet or a bluetooth screen. The scan result will be directly transferred to the filter (1) and a search will be performed.
If the searched material is located in a storage location with assigned LED strips, the corrosponding storage location will light up in blue.
Clicking on the remove (2) button starts the removal process. Alternatively, the material can be removed directly and the removal recorded by a scan.