Machine parameters
For the correct calculation of plans, a description of the machine to be used is necessary.
The settings can be adjusted in the "machine parameters" dialog. To open this dialog, click on the pencil icon to edit a machine.
Which settings can be made depends on the type of machine.
Furthermore, the settings depend on how the machine was added to intelliDivide.
For machines created directly in intelliDivide based on a template, a variety of parameters are displayed. For example, the cutting length and the program fence travel can be adjusted as required.
Machine parameters cutting
The general settings vary depending on the type of machine. For example, the parameters of a manual saw differ from those of an angle system. Additionally, there are differences between machines that have been configured based on a template and those connected via tapio. The other settings which can be made in the machine parameters are described in detail under offcuts, trim cuts, tension trim cuts and bookheight.
For machines that were integrated via tapio, the settings are taken directly from the machine. Fixed parameters are hidden for a better overview. Parameters that must be adjusted in some cases (e.g. saw blade thickness) are displayed. After deselecting the "Apply machine settings" option, these parameters can also be adjusted.
Under the tab "In general", the following parameters can be configured.
Cutting length (mm):
- Maximum cutting length
- Larger panels must be rotated before returning
Program fence travel (mm):
- Maximum panel retraction
- Feeding of panels from the front
- Feeding of panels from the back
Saw blade kerf
Longitudinal cut (mm):
- Thickness of the saw blade (= cutting width) on the longitudinal saw
- The recorded value should match the actual saw blade thickness at the saw, otherwise plans might be created which cannot be executed on the saw
Cross-section (mm):
- Thickness of the saw blade (= cutting width) on the crosscut saw
- Variations from the longitudinal cut (mm) are possible with anglular saws
Machine parameters nesting
Under the "In general" tab for nesting, you can adjust the "Table length" and the "Table width".
Under the "Global variables" tab the global variable table (wwglob.var) from woodWOP can be uploaded. Thus, intelliDivide knows the woodWOP variables when optimizing and generating the nesting pattern and can integrate them into the result file.
Under the "ml4 Folder" tab, the ml directory with the woodWOP components can be uploaded. This way, intelliDivide knows the woodWOP components when optimizing and generating the nesting plan and can integrate them into the result file.
If you use woodWOP components and do not want to upload the ml4 folder, each component must be embedded in the MPR(X) file.
Material-dependent settings for machine parameters
Furthermore, you have the possibility to make material-dependent settings in materialManager. This grouping makes it possible to assign materials to a material parameter group, which is created on the saw, depending on their properties.
The material parameter group is simply an abbreviation which intelliDivide transfers to the saw depending on the material. The saw has predefined which machine functions should be executed for each material-dependent parameter group name. It is essential that the name of the "Material parameter group" matches the name defined in CADmatic. Otherwise, the group designation cannot be recognized and applied.
The material group is displayed in intelliDivide for each material under the "Boards" tab in the "Machine parameters" column. This material group is referenced in the SAW file for each material and transferred to the machine.
Display of the material group for the machine parameters in intelliDivide
The material parameter group is referenced in the SAW file for each material and transferred to the machine.
Via the CADmatic on the machine various functions can be controlled through the material parameter group. For example, it is possible to specify whether the scoring saw should be used for a material or how high the saw blade projection should be.