Formulas and rules

Column values can be calculated using formulas and rules. To define rules and formulas, right-click the column name in edit mode to open the shortcut menu. You can use the shortcut menu to define a value for the whole column or to define formulas and rules. This feature is available for productionManager Advanced.

Opening the context menu

Opening the context menu

Add formula

Formulas allow you to calculate the values of a column based on the data of other columns. When creating a formula in the dialog window, you select the necessary properties for calculation from the "Available columns" by double clicking on them. In between the properties you need to place operators such as +, -, * or /, to calculate the value of the column. Once the formula is set, click "Confirm" to save it. The formula will then be applied to the respective column.

An example for the use of formulas is the calculation of the finished dimensions of a component. If it has not already been provided by an imported bill of materials, it can simply be calculated from the dimensions of the board when it has been cut plus the thickness of the edges. For example, the finished width can be calculated using the following formula:

Finished width = [width] + [edge thickness right] + [edge thickness left]

Example: create formula for finished width

Example: create formula for finished width

Add rule

When creating a rule, start by defining a condition (1). To do so, select a column name, then specify an operator - such as equal, unequal, greater (or equal), or less (or equal) - and enter the desired value. Then specify which values should be assigned to the column if the condition applies (2). You can add further conditions to a rule using "+ And" (3). Additional rules can be added via "+ Add rule" (4). In the "Otherwise" field (5), enter the value to be used if none of the defined rules apply. If you want to remove a rule, simply click on the red cross (6) next to it.

For example, you can use a rule to define the label layout of parts.

Add new rule

Add new rule