
License fees are charged for the use of the materialManager.
You can purchase the license in the tapio shop. This requires a registration with tapio.


For the duration you can choose between one month and one year (12 months for the price of 10 months).


Running costs 

Range of functions

materialManager Classic

Licensing as part of a package or another product.



Administration of up to 10.000 materials

materialManager Classic

App for single use:
20,00 €/month
200,00 €/year (16,66 €/month)

Administration of up to 10.000 materials


The following options can be added for a fee.

Licence Description Running Costs
HOMAG Connect
The cloud-based interface ensures seamless data exchange with the materialManager for your individual application. 40,00 € / month
400,00 € / year (33,33 € / month)

​​​Use as needed

The costs apply regardless of the number of users and machines. All contracts can be cancelled up to 3 days before expiration. After that, they are automatically extended by the booked term.