Order details

Various details and additional information can be stored for each order. A detail is only displayed if information is available.

Editing an order

Clicking on Edit at the end of the line of an order or clicking on Edit within the order details takes you to the following view. You can add or correct information in this view.

Editing the order details

The following details are available in the individual categories for describing an order. Properties with an * symbol are mandatory fields.

Order header

Property Example Description
Order name* Sliding door wardrobe Name or number of the customer order
Order number Number of the order 000001
Customer name Max Schulze Name of the customer
Customer number 5861-01 Number of the customer
Company Schulze GmbH Name of the customers company
Order description Sliding door wardrobe fitted in the recess Description of the order or special features
Project Extension Offices Schulze GmbH Name of the superordinate project
Person in charge Hendrik Person responsible for the project
Order date 11/09/2023 Entry date of the order
Delivery date 02/10/2023 Delivery date of the order
Order items 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 Contains all order items
Order item description Wardrobe1, Wardrobe2, Wardrobe 3,  Description of all order items at bill of materials level
Start date (planned) 01/09/2023 Planned start date
Completion date (planned) 01//10/2023 Planned completion date


Property Example Description
Street Karl-Berner-Str. Street
House number 4 House number
Postal code 72285 Zip code
City Pfalzgrafenweiler City
Country Germany Country



Property Example Description
Order Status New Status of the customer order
Changed 27/09/2023 08:35 Timestamp of the last change
Start date 11/09/2023 Time stamp of the order start (order status In Production)
Completion date 02.10.2023 Time stamp of order completion (order status Completed)
Quantity of articles 14 Number of items/order items to be produced
Quantity of parts 161 Number of parts to be manufactured
Quantity planned 30 / 161 Number of parts already planned for production
Lots Lot_01, Lot_02 Names of the superior lots


Additional data

Images, drawings, lists, etc. and notes can be added as additional data at order level.

Property Example Description
Files Images, drawings, lists Files at order level
Notes Please note the aperture dimensions! Notes at order level


When you add a PDF as a file, the first page is displayed as a preview image. Click on the preview image and in the maximized view on Download to be able to open and view a file locally. 

A preview image is generated for the following file types: MPR, PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PDF.

You can add further file types for which a placeholder is displayed instead of a preview image.

Note: A maximum file size of 100 MB can be added.