Enhanced Error Handling and data logging

A new update has been released for the HOMAG File Agent, which improves the handling of errors (e.g. interrupted network connection to monitored folders). The update also optimises the logging of data in order to rectify possible errors more effectively.

Most changes are made in the background and are not visible to you. However, there are two changes that are visible in the user interface:

  • The automated generated directories "Running", "Failed", and "Completed" are now located in the path C:\ProgramData\Homag Group\HomagFileAgent("Name of the monitored folder"). Here, "Name of the monitored folder" stands for the name of the folder specified in "Select directory".

  • Furthermore, all files in the "Completed" folder will now be compressed into a *.ZIP file and archived after one week. The reason for the change was that there were often problems as soon as the folder contained too many individual files.

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