More convenience in operation

We have improved the operation for you!

Previously, if you wanted to change a value in materialManager or materialAssist, you first had to click on the value and then select it manually. Only then could the value be overwritten. From now on, the value to be changed is automatically marked in the corresponding field during the click process and you can enter the new value directly.


In the materialManager, it is possible to add notes to the master data (e.g. the matching board decors for an edge band). Up to now, however, the annotations to the master data could not be displayed in the materialAssist overview. From now on, the "comments (master data)" column is available in materialAssist Edge. You can find out how to show the table column here.


Until now, when you opened the materialManager app, the "Boards" tab always opened first. But if you mainly manage edgebands in materialManager, we now have good news for you.  From now on, the app remembers which tab you opened last. As soon as you open the materialManager again, you can continue directly where you left off.

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