Receiving MMR Mobile data via API interface

You are using MMR Mobile and want to use the data in your own BI tools (MS Power BI, MS Excel, Tableau, ...)? Or would you like to integrate the data directly into your MES or ERP system?

No problem, because we offer you the possibility to get the machine related data you see in MMR Mobile via API interface. Thus, you can use the data individually, tailored to your use cases.

In addition to the already known advantages that MMR Mobile offers, the API interface has further special features:

For example, you can display a more detailed description of your machine states. You will not only see that your machine was in waiting state, but also directly the reason (e.g. material shortage). Another plus: You now have access to the total sum of your produced units (e.g. parts or cycles) in a certain time interval. Furthermore, you can freely choose the time interval of your data and are therefore not limited to fixed time intervals.

Are you interested? Then send us an e-mail directly to

Note: Documentation of the interface and practical examples can be found in our public GitHub repository.

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