Keep an eye on the planning status of your Parts at all times - New Column "Quantity planned"

The new column "Quantity planned" shows at a glance which parts of your order have already been planned and which have not. But what does "planned" mean? Planned means that a part has already been added to a lot, sent to intelliDivide, or exported. For you, this means that you don't have to worry about this part in the work preparation anymore - it has already been planned.

The column is available at the order level in the order management so that you can quickly see which of your orders still require action. On the other hand, the column is also visible at the part level in the bill of materials, which makes it quickly obvious which specific parts have not yet been planned.

Here's an example: Imagine you have an order with two articles, each consisting of four parts. Now you want to produce the order not all at once, but article by article. Therefore, the first article is sent to intelliDivide (1). After the article has been sent to intelliDivide, the "Quantity planned" column shows which parts have been planned "1/1" and which have not "0/1" (2). The order's planning status can also be seen at the order level in the order management (3). If you want to send at least one of the already planned parts again to intelliDivide or export it again, a warning will appear, indicating that at least one of the parts has already been planned (4). However, you are not prevented from sending or exporting the already planned parts again.

The column also takes into account any rework parts. In (5) you can see that a rework has been captured for one of the parts. This is visualized by "(+1)" next to "1/1". Since the "Quantity planned" column states "1/1 (+1)", you know that this rework has not yet been planned. Once the rework has also been planned, this value changes to "2/1 (+1)".

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