stay down, common line, include tabs, onion skinning

Do you know the problem: Small parts often shift during nesting because too little vacuum acts on the parts with a small contact surface. In conjunction with woodWOP 8, intelliDivide Nesting now gives you the option of connecting small parts with each other using retaining bars. The size and number of the included tabs can be customized. After nesting, you simply break off the bars or separate them with a handsaw.

Users of woodWOP 8 and intelliDivide Nesting also have access to a wide range of other functions to speed up the nesting production process.

Do you want to minimize machining time while making sure that the cutter does not approach and depart each workpiece individually? Then simply use the "repositioning without retraction" or "use common milling tracks" option.

The "repositioning without retraction" option, also known as the stay-down method, optimizes the approach movements. The tool approaches only one point and remains at the specified milling depth for the entire machining time. This shortens the machining time, as each individual workpiece is no longer approached and departed.

The "use common milling tracks" option (common line method) also ensures that the part spacing corresponds exactly to the tool diameter. The tool then passes between two workpieces only once, separating them from each other.

These nesting additional functions can be used via the Format tab.

The additional macro "Formatting" is generated into the nesting plan during the calculation of the nesting plans.

Up to two macros can be added for the "Formatting" area. This allows, for example, small parts to be pre-milled first in the first pass and all parts to be milled out in the second pass. 

NOTE: These functions are only available in combination with woodWOP 8 and the woodWOP Nesting Plugin.

The following processing strategies can be achieved with formatting:

  1. Repositioning without retraction (stay down)

  2. Use common milling tracks (common line)

  3. Positioning bars (include tabs) NOTE: available as of woodWOP 8.1.225
  4. Milling in steps (onion skinning)

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